amico nos = Chicago Hotsides --- SCAMMER ALERT


If you are a Scammer, I will expose you
Dec 8, 2005
SCAMMER ALERT --- amico nos = Chicago Hotsides

If you look at this post:

which I am sure will soon be in the Rubber Room, you will notice that someone forgot to logout as amico nos on the second post above mine near the bottom. And that "someone" is Chicago Hotsides

nobody noticed?

I did.


I can spot a SCAMMER a mile away.

Chicago Hotsides posted that post 2 above this one, but forgot to logout as amico nos --

Notice thes part:

"I work alot with Amico & am here trying to get his new computers up & running as he is freaking illiterate about computers....."

And it is amico nos making the post and then he responds as amico nos!!!

I am glad to see that you "work alot with yourself"

Man, where do these scammers keep coming from?

Must be a lot of rocks to crawl out from under on the good ole Internet.

SCAM-CITY here, folks -- BEWARE.

And that "interview" with Roxy.....


Are you KIDDING me? I couldn't stop laughing at that staged piece of

Chicanery from Chicago Scamsides..............

Beware folks:


Shame on you Roxy. Obviously you love featuring scammers on your site. One scammer leaves, another one steps right on in and you led them both right to Scam-City over there at your forum. Tisk-Tisk.

Just look at that link above. This moron actually thinks he is Bill Gates!!

Only a LYING, SCAMMER TOUT would think like this.

21 years as professional gambler with a "huge client list" that he makes "lots of money for" and Mr. "21 Years in the Business" is constantly "travelling between all of his different homes all over the country".


My God, I never laughed so hard.

But yet, here is Mr Moneybags, Mr. 21-years-of-professional-gambling who "can predict actual NBA final scores within a few points with his special 'power ratings' on a regular basis"


yes, try and stop laughing, but here is Mr. Big Shot coming off as someone "making millions" at the RX Site Promos section peddling a

Trick Your Man...treat Yourself!!! Happy Thanksgiving With My $99 Special!!!!

or a
Once a Month 2 for 1 Special!!!

or a


Oh, and get this:

He is coming out with a new website soon!!!


Yeah, he's better than Jim Feist, Mike Warren and every other biggie in the scam business and has been doing this for 21 years and STILL DOESN"T HAVE A WEBSITE!!


Oh, but one is coming soon!! Can't wait.

And let's not forget when you call his 800 #, HE answers the phone because he "doesn't want you dealing with high-pressure salesmen".


Try telling the truth, scammer.

You are JUST STARTING OUT as a scam tout and have an 800 # in your parent's basement where your "one-man scam operation" (I am not counting amico nos, because he is actually you) is housed and of course you don't have people working for you because you don't even have real clients yet (imaginary ones, maybe).

I've been in this business a long time and as soon as a scamdicapper talks about "power ratings", that is a BIG RED FLAG that the guy is a scammer who doesn't know shit about handicapping.

Here is a news flash:

SUCCESSFUL professional handicappers do NOT use power ratings.

Shame on you Roxy for putting on that SHAM of an "interview" at your forum. It is time to retire yourself as an Interviewer as you and that forum have just all credibility with me with that total SCAM you just orchestrated.

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If you are a Scammer, I will expose you
Dec 8, 2005
these dopes at Roxy's forum are already starting to defend this Chicago Scamsides, who is an obvious:


Go ahead and live in denial if you wish, Roxy, but your forum is now the Official Forum for Wayward Scammers


Roxy, you folks remind of that Geico commercial where the reporter didn't realize there were still Cavemen walking around.

Guess what Roxybaby?

There are lots of SCAMMERS walking around the Internet.

When it comes to Chicago Scamsides, it's like the Caveman said in the Geico commercial:

"Uh, you might want to try a little research next time".

Then you wouldn't have embarrassed yourselves with that laughable, orchestrated SHAM-a-SCAM-a-ling-a-ding-dong of an "interview" with that scheister.

Shame on you guys.


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New member
Nov 8, 2004
You've got your panties in a bunch

If you read the post, you will see that dave from Chicago Hotsides is with amico helping him try and fix his computer. He signs off a third of the way through the post chicago hotsides because those are his comments as he and amico are working together at his house. The second 2/3's of the post is from amico. They are both commenting on the same post logged on as amico.

I have been previously contacted by Dave from Chicago Hotsides about starting a monitoring thread to show people that his service is legit. He has followed my Brian Mac thread and thought it would be a way for him to be legitimately tracked. I have been considering it, but hadn't made a decision. I see your post as a sign that I should probably take him up on the proposal. If you haven't read the mac threads do so, you will see how I feel about people being ripped off by services. I will tell it like it is.

Jimmy mac

New member
Mar 11, 2005
My two cents

Dave from Chicago Hotsides may be legit but......................

His whole MO sounds a lot like Brian Mac did starting out. Now I'm not saying they are connected but consider this. As bad as Brian Mac is doing and with the thread on the RX continuing to gain momentum, it would be a good move business wise for Brian Mac to change up his gimmick or his identity.

Who knows?

RELAX,im just having fun
Nov 7, 2004
they have the same internet service but the IPs DONT match.we dont screen anyone there just as wil doesnt screen new arrivals here.ya gotta understand its NOT my just a very small part of it.its no real threat to world glad you were amused by the interview tho.thanx for coming.and anyone else whos would like to see what this is about come to mvpsports101 and see for yourself. this free pub does wonders for traffic! you rock scammer alert!:103631605
Oct 19, 2005
Scammer_Alert said:
SCAMMER ALERT --- amico nos = Chicago Hotsides

If you look at this post:

which I am sure will soon be in the Rubber Room, you will notice that someone forgot to logout as amico nos on the second post above mine near the bottom. And that "someone" is Chicago Hotsides

nobody noticed?

I did.


I can spot a SCAMMER a mile away.

Chicago Hotsides posted that post 2 above this one, but forgot to logout as amico nos -- :lolBIG: :lolBIG: :lolBIG:

Notice thes part:

"I work alot with Amico & am here trying to get his new computers up & running as he is freaking illiterate about computers....."

And it is amico nos making the post and then he responds as amico nos!!!

I am glad to see that you "work alot with yourself"

Man, where do these scammers keep coming from?

Must be a lot of rocks to crawl out from under on the good ole Internet.

SCAM-CITY here, folks -- BEWARE.

And that "interview" with Roxy.....


Are you KIDDING me? I couldn't stop laughing at that staged piece of

Chicanery from Chicago Scamsides..............

Beware folks:


Shame on you Roxy. Obviously you love featuring scammers on your site. One scammer leaves, another one steps right on in and you led them both right to Scam-City over there at your forum. Tisk-Tisk.

Just look at that link above. This moron actually thinks he is Bill Gates!!

Only a LYING, SCAMMER TOUT would think like this.

21 years as professional gambler with a "huge client list" that he makes "lots of money for" and Mr. "21 Years in the Business" is constantly "travelling between all of his different homes all over the country".


My God, I never laughed so hard.

But yet, here is Mr Moneybags, Mr. 21-years-of-professional-gambling who "can predict actual NBA final scores within a few points with his special 'power ratings' on a regular basis"


yes, try and stop laughing, but here is Mr. Big Shot coming off as someone "making millions" at the RX Site Promos section peddling a

Trick Your Man...treat Yourself!!! Happy Thanksgiving With My $99 Special!!!!

or a
Once a Month 2 for 1 Special!!!

or a


Oh, and get this:

He is coming out with a new website soon!!!


Yeah, he's better than Jim Feist, Mike Warren and every other biggie in the scam business and has been doing this for 21 years and STILL DOESN"T HAVE A WEBSITE!!


Oh, but one is coming soon!! Can't wait.

And let's not forget when you call his 800 #, HE answers the phone because he "doesn't want you dealing with high-pressure salesmen".


Try telling the truth, scammer.

You are JUST STARTING OUT as a scam tout and have an 800 # in your parent's basement where your "one-man scam operation" (I am not counting amico nos, because he is actually you) is housed and of course you don't have people working for you because you don't even have real clients yet (imaginary ones, maybe).

I've been in this business a long time and as soon as a scamdicapper talks about "power ratings", that is a BIG RED FLAG that the guy is a scammer who doesn't know shit about handicapping.

Here is a news flash:

SUCCESSFUL professional handicappers do NOT use power ratings.

Shame on you Roxy for putting on that SHAM of an "interview" at your forum. It is time to retire yourself as an Interviewer as you and that forum have just all credibility with me with that total SCAM you just orchestrated.

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Somebody pass the koolaid...I'll have some of whatever this loser is having.

If you would get such a hard on about your own facts before trying to attack my credibility & integrity sir, you would SEE in the very post you referenced I STATED WHERE I WAS & WHY. Amico mentioned me many times here idiot. Furthermore Amico has posted in alot of other forums over the years & HAS POSTED info about working with me.

Not only that but I also answered a ? from a viewer over at MVP and stated the same info. again.

It amazes me that it took you such PROBING UNDERCOVER SNOOPING TO FIND AND POINT OUT TO PEOPLE.....WHAT HAD ALREADY BEEN STATED SO MANY TIMES BEFORE BY MYSELF AND BY couldn't find bin Laden if he was in your livingroom. to your point that "real professional gamblers don't use power ratings".....shhh...I didn't want people to know the everyone will want to look into my crystal ball. IDIOT...hell no I don't do homework...I don't stay up half the night working my ass off....I just flip coins to pick 'em.

...I do not have a website because I AM who I say I am...not until Amico pointed out this forum & the thread by jimmymac did I truly pay any attention to the pathetic scum in the industry...I was documented at 63% in NBA previously sir. I win. Majority of my clients been with me ten years or more...I quit advertising for several years and just sent out a postcard to those who called my complines. Mainly because I spend 70% of my time handicapping as it is. I AM working on a website now to come back into the public full force, because if you guys are so gullible to fall for all the LOCKS & 85% winners & can't lose systems & people like Mac....Hell, as much as I should be a breeze to sign all of you up & put all the scams out of business.

Anyone who has NOT already read the great interview...go to the Show Case at & check it out....great read.

New member
Jul 24, 2005


New member
Jan 15, 2005
How is he scamming regardless? He has posted alot of winners over there! He hasnt badgered noone nor has he asked for them to pay him! Go check out his interview. Maybe there is a good service out there that you need to look into scammer instead of trying to bust people? I have a couple ip addresses over at my place cause I have FRIENDS that I go to and post from? WTF? Come on man post your plays till you get "solid" info! As for all the others. dont worry about it Chicago, it will fade just like them! I dont pay for services but if I did you would be one I would follow along with WGU because you guys are a bunch of good peeps! Keep up the good work bro! This is what makes people scared to post in some places!:toast:

New member
Jul 24, 2005
all services are scum

Chicago Hotsides said: my reply for yourself...


If you are a Scammer, I will expose you
Dec 8, 2005
Chicago Scamsides

The guy is a S-C-A-M-M-E-R, Roxy, wake the fuck up. He makes JimFeistSux look like Mr. Rogers or the Pope, even.

A great read?


Yeah, if you believe in fairy tales!! My God, and now Roxy, C-Lo and whoever else over there is going to promote this scam-artist and try and recruit the sheep for the slaughter. Roxy, you should be absolutely ashamed of yourself for promoting this out-and-out SCAM.

Are you this DESPERATE for viewership, that you are going to SCAM the viewers of your forum by leading them to the slaughter from the latest Pied Piper of the Scamdicapper of the Month Club??

Shame-Shame, hon. You are nothing more than a scammer and a phony yourself, then, if you are going to promote this out-and-out SHAM.

Great read????????????????


Anybody who reads this fairy tale who isn't a total clueless newbie will be on the floor laughing their ass off at this BS. This is Dorothy trying to lead the poor sheep down the red-ink road to destruction by following a SCAMMER which NOBODY has ever heard of until now (but yeah, he's been in the business as a big-timer for 21 years -- ROTF LMFAO!!). Oh yeah, but NOW he is going to make a big public push despite having a monster customer base and despite the fact that he has won millions with his "power ratings" systems!! ROTF LMFAO!!

Nobody is believing this horseshit so go sell it on the street corner with the $10 hookers.

Every single word in that "great fucking read" is LIES and TOUT TALK.

Not even a ring of truth in that whole laughable "interview".

Shame-Shame, Roxyfraud. Shame-shame.

An outright SCAM that you are promoting here.

Yeah, you can interview me. I'll be happy to be interviewed by you. Oh yeah, that's right, PHONY, you already banned me over there even though you "love the publicity from me".

Man, you are a two-faced phony.

And I'll prove it, Roxyfraud.

You are on this forum constantly trying to steal posters from the RX and you are everywhere on the RX always talking about how great your forum is.

NOW, when your absolute 100% SHAM-a-SCAM-a-lama-DING-DONG of a joke of an "interview" is EXPOSED, and this Chicago Hotsides is EXPOSED as a 2-bit SCAM ARTIST, lying through his teeth, what do you do, Roxyfraud?

You suddenly say, "this is not my forum, I am just a small part of it"

So when MVP is exposed for being the official Internet Forum for Wayward Scammers, housing scam-artists JimFeistSux and Chicago Hotsides, all of a sudden, it is NOT your forum anymore. But meanwhile you are hustling posters like 215Flava and many, many others at the RX, trying to steal them right out from under the RX's nose, promoting YOUR forum. I am shocked the RX even let's you stay here, as your only intent for being here is to steal people for your Forum for Wayward Scammers.


You and your forum have lost all credibility for posters with any common sense.

I suppose you're going to tell me next that it wasn't you who banned me, right? since it really isn't your forum and you're such a tiny part of it (even though your name is ALL OVER IT -- Ms. Fraud).

Be warned people, Roxy's forum is now graded as an "F" for Fraud by the Forum Grading Group.

Beware. They house scammers who are trying to get you to buy tout picks based on 100% fraudulent background information on their scam-touts.

Great read??????

That stuff belongs at Disneyland, filed again under "F" for Fairytales or better yet, for Fraud.

Shame-shame Roxy. You have reached a new low, promoting this obvious scheister.


If you are a Scammer, I will expose you
Dec 8, 2005
Many, many LIEs in this "great read", but man, I had to laugh my ass of at this beauty from the SCAM TOUT:

Without boring you to death...I use today, for ex. in the NBA, about 4-5 sets of my own Power Ratings; I compare recent performance; the 'power factors' rebounding, free throw %, FG % etc...; I compare how the team does vs. East/West; Road/Home; travel, days rest...all the usual keys...I still have the #'s down cold enough that on my big plays some times for fun I'll tell my final score which is usually pretty close. I guess you could say when it comes to the #'s I'm stone cold. Then I add in my many contacts from the 'old days' for info. that isn't readily available, some I use some I discard....once you have the #'s dead solid, one bit of info can light up the night.


Ok, LIAR post 10 big games and I'll bet you my life savings you don't get close to naming any of the final scores for NBA games. And when I say close, I mean within 3 points for both teams.

Or wait, do you consider "close" to be within 15 points for each team?? LMFAO!!

Again, newbies and lurkers, ANYBODY who tells you they use power ratings is a SCAMMER who doesn't know how to handicap. If they knew how to handicap, they wouldn't be using power ratings. Every real handicapper in the industry knows that power ratings is just tout talk. It makes you sound like you know what you're talking about when you do not. This guy is obviously clueless.

Every SCAM TOUT out there has 4, 5, 10 sets of power ratings (YAWN) that they "cross-reference" and when "everything matches up", oh my, it's a "big play", 5 or 10-star for sure...........ROTF LMFAO!!

Oh and notice this guy talked about "inside information" in this "great read", by mentioning his "many contacts".

My God, the Psalm 23 of the Tout Talk Bible.

Yes, this scammer has "contacts all over the country", some he uses more than others.


This SCAMMER has it all. Inside information and 4-or-5 sets of power ratings and more!!

And oh yes, folks, when all the power ratings are cross-referenced and they match, AND the inside information from a janitor at the Duke gym gives him a "tip", well, this is a MONSTER play folks!! These hit 78% for sure!!


Roxyfraud, are you really so nieve that when you read this 100% Sham-a-Scam-a-lama-ding-dong of an "interview", you cannot see through the absolute 100% bullshit that this scam-artist is shoveling out??

Or are you just so DESPERATE for viewers that you will promote the latest Scamdicapper of the Month at your Forum for Wayward Scammers??

You've been around long enough to recognize a 100% SCAM, so I all I have to say Roxyfraud is:

SHAME-SHAME on YOU for promoting yet another scammer at your Scam-den.

<!-- / message -->

New member
Sep 3, 2005
Hey slapnuts....why don't you shut the f'k up...sign up & make some $.

Read the frickin interview...or have someone that can read do so for you.

I f'n gave him the name Chicago Hotsides...he has been a professional gambler over 21 years... he had, as stated in the interview a different name for the service in the past...he wanted to change it because alot of the scammers out there incorporated part of that name into their ads & he got tired of all the IDIOT DOUCHEBAGS comparing him to them...just like you are doing now.

Dave was DOCUMENTED at 63% in stupid little flea.

Dave was on the radio & everywhere back in the 80's. ES f'n PN....ever heard of them assclown?

Dave is no tout...but if he is sign me up bitch...hes only hit 65% in the NBA to start the year...oh, by the way...according to his compline, he had a HUGE LOSING WEEK last week...yeah, 2.7 units after juice...Now he's only won like 3 out of the last 4 weeks...5 out of the last 7.....

You're the kind of Motherf'n clown that doesn't know shit from shineola & would walk up to Billy Walters and tell him that betting groups don't exist...

Same dumb elementary crap as before...I came up here...posted winners at a 2-1 clip & got trashed before you all finally accepted me...I don't get the urgent need to shoot first & ask ?'s later. Dave is 7-0 over there at mvp....smoke that bitch.

As far as he & I being the same....hell...according to neverlost...I thought I was somebody else....I'm confused.....:lolBIG:

All Dave & I do is work together 3-4 days a week knocking around info. & ideas on the games...I don't work for him...and as far as him getting a job...dude he worked 2 full time jobs to save up to move to Vegas way back in the beginning...and unless gas gets really F'n high....he wouldn't really fit in driving his Jag or the new Porsche or Hummer to McDonalds now would he....

If you are a Scammer, I will expose you
Dec 8, 2005
Keep the lies coming amico, Or uh, Brian mac (yeah, I know who you guys are, believe me).

every time you or your scam-artist butt-buddy make a post, you expose yourself a little bit more every time.

Yeah, he "changed his name" because he NEVER HAD A NAME in this business before, or more likely, this is his 5th or 6th name that he is trying to SCAM WITH..........

Hey, maybe this is Johnny Fucking DeMarco here, stating over!!!!!

Yeah, your boy has a Jaguar, Porsche AND a Hummer, but he's BEGGING for money at the RX Promo Site!!! Hey are here any SPECIALS that I can get in on this month, scammer??


Hey, your buddy just called you, he needs another Hummer from you, Douchebag.

The only thing you and your butt-buddy do at McDonalds is flip burgers, so get back to fucking work douchebag.

New member
Jan 15, 2005
This is great Scammer! Who else you got bro? I hope this one stays up atleast a week for publicity! BLAH! Dude, are you the forum police? Are you getting $ for this? Does it get you off? Is there nothing in life better to do right now? Its cool if you actually find stuff on peeps but what if he is amicos? Who has he scammed? Does he owe anyone $? He hasnt asked for a singles persons money yet! He just advertises just like everyone else! Doesnt books advertise? Youre only helping people when you call them out bro! They get more publicity that way! Thanks for your time though, but until you can tell me what he has done wrong im done with it! He is a regular poster at my site and here and so what if he touts in promos? He still gives out good winners for free! Win you some $ tonight and youll feel better about your job! :103631605


Jan 15, 2005
amico nos said:
Hey slapnuts....why don't you shut the f'k up...sign up & make some $.

Read the frickin interview...or have someone that can read do so for you.

I f'n gave him the name Chicago Hotsides...he has been a professional gambler over 21 years... he had, as stated in the interview a different name for the service in the past...he wanted to change it because alot of the scammers out there incorporated part of that name into their ads & he got tired of all the IDIOT DOUCHEBAGS comparing him to them...just like you are doing now.

Dave was DOCUMENTED at 63% in stupid little flea.

Dave was on the radio & everywhere back in the 80's. ES f'n PN....ever heard of them assclown?

Dave is no tout...but if he is sign me up bitch...hes only hit 65% in the NBA to start the year...oh, by the way...according to his compline, he had a HUGE LOSING WEEK last week...yeah, 2.7 units after juice...Now he's only won like 3 out of the last 4 weeks...5 out of the last 7.....

You're the kind of Motherf'n clown that doesn't know shit from shineola & would walk up to Billy Walters and tell him that betting groups don't exist...

Same dumb elementary crap as before...I came up here...posted winners at a 2-1 clip & got trashed before you all finally accepted me...I don't get the urgent need to shoot first & ask ?'s later. Dave is 7-0 over there at mvp....smoke that bitch.

As far as he & I being the same....hell...according to neverlost...I thought I was somebody else....I'm confused.....:lolBIG:

All Dave & I do is work together 3-4 days a week knocking around info. & ideas on the games...I don't work for him...and as far as him getting a job...dude he worked 2 full time jobs to save up to move to Vegas way back in the beginning...and unless gas gets really F'n high....he wouldn't really fit in driving his Jag or the new Porsche or Hummer to McDonalds now would he....

Interesting that both of you use the "&" symbol for "and".

Just happened to be reading this thread, and it caught my "I".

New member
Sep 3, 2005
919 said:
Interesting that both of you use the "&" symbol for "and".

Just happened to be reading this thread, and it caught my "I".

Who the fuck are you referring to? Damn. & scam alert, scam alert & c-lo....or the other 75% of the nation that do the same thing?

Oh know what..."I" just noticed you and me both use the "," symbol to separate a thought, and...I mean "&" we both use the "." symbol to end a sentence"."

It caught my eye"," "I" mean"," it caught my "I" too"!"


Dumbass must be"," you're all the way up to "15" posts here...way to go neverlose(r).

Rx. Poster
Dec 26, 2004

good observation. a lot of things have given me suspitions about amico the past month or two. fb plays similar to macs, when guestioned about this he had a friend buy macs plays but rarely posted them even the next day.then stoped having fb plays saying baskets is where he does the best. then posted his brothers(i think) picks(sounds like jfs)a couple days then stoped. then posted a few plays himself (loosing record). if your so good at baskets post your games. says he is part of betting syndacate(i never believe anyone that says this). hes from nj just like brian mac.

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